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Over the past two decades, we have gained knowledge and experience from our work with low-income women and their families in Philadelphia. We are proud to share this collection of resources with you. If you have any questions about the publications below, visit our contact us page

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Housing Justice Campaign

Philadelphia Coalition for Affordable Communities

February 29, 2024

The release of this report marks the launch of the Coalition’s new Housing Justice Campaign which urges City Council to pass legislation committing 50% of all housing dollars to households who need it most, households earning $28,600 per year or less.

Development Without Displacement: 2019 Update

Philadelphia Coalition for Affordable Communities

April 29, 2019

An updated version of the Development Without Displacement report outlines an affordable housing and land use crisis plaguing hard-working Philadelphians. Philadelphia Coalition for Affordable Communities (PCAC) outlines the issues of lack of funding in the Housing Trust Fund and lack of transparency in the Land Bank. This updated report outlines legislative action that can be taken to address these issues and a view of Philadelphia if action is not taken. 

Identifying Shared Values to Shape Germantown's Future: A Neighborhood Project Based on Listening and Learning

Women's Community Revitalization Project and Community Partners and Neighbors in Germantown

July 01, 2016

A group of community partners and local residents worked to develop eight statements of “Shared Values” which will help guide future planning and development work in the Germantown neighborhood. In addition to meeting minutes, this report provides a demographic profile as it relates to housing as well as changes in development trends.

Development Without Displacement: 2016 Update

Philadelphia Coalition for Affordable Communities

February 17, 2016

As a response to new market-rate housing developments, this report proposed legislation that would impose Affordable Housing Impact Fees. By imposing an Impact Fee on new market-rate developments, Philadelphia would generate an approximate $.68 million per year which could be directed to the Philadelphia Housing Trust Fund. This added source of revenue would have the potential to create new affordable housing units for rental and ownership as well as make critical repairs to existing homes.

Development Without Displacement: Keeping Communities Strong

Philadelphia Coalition for Affordable Communities

April 01, 2015

While Philadelphia becomes a more desirable home, many long-term residents feel the negative effects of gentrification. The majority of new market-rate housing is located in low-income neighborhoods and is causing the cost of living to rise. As a result, low-income families are being increasingly displaced. This report recommends that Philadelphia impose anti-speculation fees as a step towards equitable and inclusive development.  

Put Abandoned Land In Our Hands

Campaign to Take Back Vacant Land

March 31, 2011

This report outlines the vacant land crisis in Philadelphia, in which the City is unable to determine which properties it owns, how to transfer land to owners, or how to maintain these properties. This report advocates for the (successful) creation of a Philadelphia Land Bank with the authority to clear title and transfer properties in a way that benefits neighborhoods.

Transforming Eastern North Philadelphia's Vacant Land: from abandonment and blight to housing, jobs, and parks

Women's Community Revitalization Project and Eastern North Philadelphia Coalition

August 01, 2009

As a response to city-owned vacant lands, this report explores the community land trust model to return control of land to the communities. Community land trust would benefit long-term residents with the community priorities of affordable housing, green space and local businesses.

Our Community Plan: A Shared Vision for Our Neighborhood in Eastern North Philadelphia

Women's Community Revitalization Project & Eastern North Philadelphia Coalition

May 01, 2009

This report outlines the issues and suggested action items for the eastern North Philadelphia communities. The communities involved with the preparation of this report found vacant land, housing, economic development, youth services and quality of life to be the priorities of these neighborhoods. This report provides community-based solutions for each of these given areas.

Executive Summary - Our Community Plan: A Shared Vision for Our Neighborhood in Eastern North Philadelphia

Women's Community Revitalization Project & Eastern North Philadelphia Coalition

May 01, 2009

This document is the executive summary of a more detailed community plan for eastern North Philadelphia.

Principles and Practices of Community Leadership Development

Women's Community Revitalization Project

October 01, 2007

In each area of its work, WCRP stresses the development of individual women, knowing that our growth and success will lead to stronger families and communities. WCRP has learned that women have real power when we value each other’s experience and stand together to take collective action.

Repairing Houses, Preserving Homes: Philadelphia's Home Repair Crisis and What We Can Do About It

Women's Community Revitalization Project (WCRP), Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), United Communities Southeat Philadelphia (UCSEP)

April 02, 2005

Many homeowners are not able to afford necessary home repairs and the City’s major home repair program does not reach enough of the qualifying homeowners. Doubling the City budget for the Basic Systems Repair Program, linking new market housing with the improvement of existing homes, implementing a pilot systematic roof preservation program and streamlining Basic Systems Repair Program are some of the ways WCRP recommends homeowners can gain affordable and quality access to repairs.

When You Can See the Sky Through Your Roof: Home Repair Policies in Philadelphia

Corey Shdaimah, Roland Stahl and Sanford F. Schram - Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research at Bryn Mawr College

April 01, 2005

Philadelphia has a high percentage of low-income homeowners who are not able to afford necessary repairs on their homes. This report recommends double the funding and speed for the existing Basic Systems Repair Program, linking new private market development with the improvement of existing homes and changing the repair inspection process. 

Closing the Gap: Housing (un)Affordability in Philadelphia

Cartographic Modeling Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania

March 01, 2003

This report studied the poorest households in Philadelphia in order to address the lack of affordable housing. The study found a link to housing affordability and income, the difficulty for individuals with disabilities to find affordable housing and that housing subsidies are needed to make housing more affordable.

A Call to Action: Philadelphia's Affordable Housing Crisis and What We Can Do About It

Philadelphia Affordable Housing Coalition

March 01, 2003

In the midst of a housing crisis in Philadelphia, a recent study determined that at least 57,000 more affordable units of housing are needed. An increase in spending to create new rental units, an increased budget for repairs and preservation, and establishing housing a priority are the necessary first steps to end the housing crisis.

Women Revitalizing Communities

Women's Community Revitalization Project (WCRP)

October 01, 2000

Women’s Community Revitalization Project has spent over a decade creating opportunities to support women and their families. The belief in relationships and individual potential has contributed to the circle of women committed to giving back to their communities.

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