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"When the needs of low-income women and their families aren't being met, WCRP works with them to affect positive change." 



We engage families, neighbors and other community organizations to advocate for better policies, more funding and more land for affordable housing, as well as funding for childcare and resources to address community needs.  

Most recently, WCRP is helping to lead the Development without Displacement campaign, uniting a broad cross section of over 70 member groups—Including the city’s leading community, disability, faith, labor and urban agriculture organizations which together represent roughly 80,000 Philadelphians--to advocate for legislation to ensure that as the city’s neighborhoods recover and thrive, individuals and families from all income levels benefit. Visit the Philadelphia Coalition for Affordable Communities’ website to learn more.

WCRP’s past campaigns have resulted in notable victories, including:

  • Passage of Land Justice Legislation (2022) in two Philadelphia City Council districts. This legislation requires the Land Bank to give greater priority and control to determine how publicly held land is used to meet community needs. 

  • Passage by voters of a change to the City's Home Rule Charter (2021) so that 0.5% of the city's general fund is committed each year for affordable housing. This is the first time the City has committed a permanent source of housing funding from its own resources. This policy change will bring $25 million into the Housing Trust Fund on an annual basis. 

  • Commitment of New Money for Affordable Housing (2018): won $70M for the Housing Trust Fund.

  • Expansion of the State Housing Trust Fund (2015): called on the state legislature to establish a $25 million annual investment in the State Housing Trust Fund through a dedicated revenue source. 

  • Creation of the Philadelphia Land Bank (2013): expedites responsible development of the city’s vacant land. 

  • Creation of the Philadelphia Housing Trust Fund (2005): expands the availability of resources to keep people in their homes and build new ones for those in need.


Nobody understands the need for affordable housing more than those who need it most. The women and families who are directly impacted by unfair policies and community disinvestment know first-hand the dramatic impact leadership can have on everyday life.  That’s why at every turn, low-income women and their families are encouraged to develop leadership skills with WCRP, including:

  • Leading the fight for resources and policies that work for low-income families and their communities.

  • Spearheading efforts to build housing and improve neighborhoods.

  • Serving on our Board of Directors and Committees.

  • Taking measures to ensure that WCRP meetings, political actions, and neighborhood events are accessible to all who want to participate. To maximize participation, we provide on-site childcare, transportation, food, Spanish-English translation, and accommodations for people with disabilities.

WCRP Community Leaders

Organizing & Advocacy By the Numbers

70+ Active Volunteers

on WCRP Board & Committees



in community meetings and action

70+ organizations

joined campaigns spearheaded by WCRP

$800+ million

won for affordable housing through collective campaigns


Volunteers at WCRP have real responsibility – they make our work possible, and they change the lives of women every day. Opportunities include:

  • Joining one of WCRP’s committees.

  • Participating in our new campaign, Development without Displacement.

Contact us to learn more about how you can make a difference. 

© 2023 Women's Community Revitalization Project

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